Disclaimer and Terms of Use

Presented by the Hong Kong-ASEAN Foundation (‘Foundation’), the ASEAN Film Festival (‘Festival’) is a not-for-profit platform showcasing films from ASEAN countries to promote cultural exchanges and mutual understanding through the medium of film.


We would like to bring to your attention a few important reminders while enjoying the films:

  • Any opinions, views, comments, descriptions, recommendations expressed or published in all materials and films and/or made by individuals or parties participating in or arising out of the Festival, including filmmakers, speakers and moderators (‘Presenters’) are personal opinions of the Presenters, and do not represent the view or position of the Foundation.

  • The materials and the films shown at the Festival are for entertainment purposes, and audience discretion is advised. The Foundation does not endorse or approve, and assumes no responsibility for the contents, accuracy or completeness of the information presented.

  • All films and related contents presented at the Festival are protected by copyright laws. Unauthorised copying, recording, distribution or exhibition of these films and related contents is strictly prohibited.

  • By attending the Festival, participants agree to observe all relevant policies and guidelines, and the terms and conditions of the designated screening venues. The Foundation is not responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur as a result of attending the Festival or viewing its contents.  

  • The Foundation and its designated screening venues shall not be held responsible or liable for any cancellation or change of film made by the screening venues. While the Foundation and its appointed agent(s) endeavour to notify audiences such cancellation or change, they give no guarantee for the advance notice. Audiences are advised to visit this Festival website and the websites of the relevant screening venues for the latest information on screening arrangements.

Terms and Conditions

By accessing and using this website (‘Website’), users acknowledge that they have read, fully understand, and will comply and bound by all the terms and conditions below (‘Terms of Use’):

  • Links on the Website may take users to other sites. The Foundation has no responsibility for the accuracy of any content or information provided by any such linked websites. Links to other webpages do not constitute an endorsement by the Foundation of such webpages or any information, products, advertising, or other materials presented on those websites.

  • Users acknowledge and agree that if they decide to browse or utilise the services provided by the Website, they do it entirely at their own risk. The Foundation will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with or otherwise associated with browsing or using the Website.

  • The Foundation reserves the right in its absolute discretion to change any information on the Website at any time without giving any reason or prior notice.

  • Personal information provided by users will only be used for communication, processing applications, and arranging tickets for the Festival events. Personal information will be  processed only by the Foundation, and the screening venues and their appointed agent(s), and will be deleted within 60 days following the closure of the Festival.

The Foundation reserves the right to amend, modify, or alter these Disclaimers and Terms of Use at any time. In case of any disputes, the Foundation reserves the right of final decision.

In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.